Case Studies

Our work has helped increase inbox placement and revenue for multiple brands around the world!

Large Retail Clothing B2C Brand


As a large retail consumer brand with a list of over 3 million email addresses, inbox placement is critical. Over 60% of their list is Gmail and they were landing in the junk folder. Revenue started to decline significantly and they couldn’t land in the Gmail inbox. After working with different deliverability software and consulting agencies, they found Inbox Rev.


After reaching out to Inbox Rev, we stared working on a deliverability audit. Our comprehensive deliverability audit covers all major ISPs and networks. We uncovered lots of process and technical issues during the audit that the sender did not know about. This included a broken DKIM record, emails larger than 102kb (Gmail clipping), and soft bounces that indicated additional ISP blocks.

Once the audit was completed and delivered, Inbox Rev began remediation with Gmail. After successful ISP remediation, block removals, and updating DNS records, the sender was back in the inbox. Inbox Rev came in and assisted getting back to the Gmail inbox, as well as provided best practices on how to stay in the inbox.

The Result

100% inbox placement at Gmail. After the process, technical, and remediation efforts were implemented, deliverability increased.

International Computer Hardware B2B Brand


Having a large sales cycle can be difficult for B2B senders to continue landing in the inbox. Trying to maintain a consistent sending volume on a dedicated IP can also prove difficult. With the emails going to multiple ISPs, networks, and filters, they didn’t know where to start. After losing multiple deals, due to emails landing the spam folder, they contacted Inbox Rev.


After trying to resolve the problem internally, they reached out to Inbox Rev to get back in the inbox. Our AI models cover both B2C and B2B senders, so we got right to the root of the problem. The AI models proved that certain volumes on certain days would increase inbox placement. Once we were able to tweak the content, the sending volume, and increase the domain reputation, deliverability increased significantly.

Inbox Rev was able to review campaign metrics, bounce logs, and reputation data to better determine which B2B filters were problematic. Combined with the AI models, Inbox Rev was able to revamp the entire email marketing strategy.

The Result

Inbox placement increased significantly for the B2B networks and sales increased immediately.

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We offer multiple services that keep your marketing emails in the inbox.